Sunday 19 July 2020

The Story so far: Sautekh Dynasty

Post Cicatrix Maledictum

The Sautekh Dynasty march forth to conquer the galaxy
The Rise of Osiris

The Cryptek Khonsu, the harbinger of darkness was the first to awaken from his slumber. A catastrophic meltdown of a Tesseract Vault had occurred and it's most dangerous prisoner had escaped, Khonsu had learnt.

Only after figuring out what events had transpired, did Khonsu revive its master. Osiris the Everdark.
Upon being briefed of what had occured to the Tombworld, Osiris awakened the Necrons of Krillion.

Krillion had been handed over to the Adeptus Mechanicus of Stygies VII, who immediately ensure the departure of all authorities that did not belong to it own. The Magos of Stygies VII thus began a complete worldwide excavation of the planet, to delve deeper into its ancient past and potential hidden powers.
Believing the threats to Krillion to be over, the Adeptus Mechanicus did not expect to discover an entire active Necron Tombworld, and so in their hubris and ignorance, they perished and endangered the galaxy.

Osiris wasted no time in reclaiming Krillion, and once the Overlord had, it turned it's gaze to the worlds beyond.

Osiris battles the Adeptus Mechanicus

Lex Talionis

Enraged by lesser creatures defiling it's domain, Osiris reenacted the long dormant Dolmen Gate, that would allow the Necrons to transverse the stars swiftly and bring ruin to any and all who stood in their way.

Planets fell at an alarming rate, as darkness consumed system after system, there would be no end to Osiris' wrath. Even Imotekh, the Phareon of Sautekh heard of Osiris' warpath and very soon after, the Everdark and the Stormlord waged a harvest unlike any the galaxy had seen from the Necrons for 60 million years.
Sautekh goes to war

Osiris' latest victim is the world of Kancagard. Here, the Necrons currently face off against the adhumans known as the 'Fleshtearers', a force of human-female zealots, daemonics of a war-deity, as well as the Aeldari of Uthwé.

Osiris the Everdark leads his legions upon Kancagard, each hour that passes more Necrons amass to the world in order to overthrow it and bring it to it's knees.
Futhermore Overlord Anubis and Illuminator Szeras have joined arms with the warlords of Sautekh and march upon it's Captial. Should the Captial fall, so too will any hope of reinforcements arriving to save the planet.

Anubis storming the Captial

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