Monday 20 July 2020

The story so far: Exorcists

The Krillion Liberation Crusade was at an end, the world had been saved but at great cost to all imperial forces involved. However, in the 41st Millennium there is not much time for celebration of such victories. Like the steady advance of time ever forwards, Alexandros mustered his fleet and set off into the void.  

A dark shadow had hung over Alexandros in the last few days of the campaign, a feeling of being a pawn in a much larger game or a fly caught in a web but unable to see the spider whose web it is. His course was set however, he’d lost much time in pursuing his true quarry on Krillion and he was certain that the awaking of the star god was nothing more than an event set in motion to cover his quarry’s escape from the planet and system. 

Alexandros sat in mediation, his breathing steady and his mind focused. He could hear the faint hum of the gellar fields powering up as the Reclamation prepared to enter the warp. He allowed his mind to skim along the surface of the warp testing for any thread or trap that lay just below the surface.

“Hello old friend” came a voice from within the warp causing its surface to ripple but remain unbroken. “Even after all this time you still follow me?” the voice chuckled almost too itself.

“Would you expect any less?” was Alexandros’s only reply

“I guess not but your confidence has always been your undoing, my friend.” came the voice again, this time the ripples where stronger and small cracks started to appear on the surface of the warp.
“You lost the right to call me friend the day you gave over your soul to chaos.” Alexandros’s response was clam but edged with anger.

“How is that any different from you?” a question that Alexandros often asked himself.  “The only difference is that I no longer cling to the lies of a corpse god. We have both been tainted by chaos, I have accepted my fate, you have not.” the voice sounded almost pained at this sentence but steadied its self. “You would fight and die for a being that sees you has nothing but a tool.”

Alexandros took a breath; he could feel his mind being probed for weakness while the voice tried to distract him. “You are a fool if you think yourself more than a tool to the gods of chaos, you run like a dog to its master's side to escape the punishment that will come but their power is finite and cannot protect you forever.”

The cracks continued to spread along the surface of the warp allowing an array of colour and noise to spill out. “You think your corpse god so powerful and yet you cannot see what lays right in front of you.” at this the warp shattered into fragments but rather than an assault of colour and noise, it became silent and the voice whispered again “Open your eye’s Alexandros.” but this time the voice came not from within his own mind but in the very room in which he sat. 

++ Log M42 ++
++ Strike Cruiser Reclamation ++
++ Last recorded sighting in the Krillion crusade ++
++ Mission: *REDACTED* ++
++ Current location: unknown
++ All hands presumed lost ++

++ Chief Librarian Alexandros presumed deceased ++

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The story so far: Exorcists

The Krillion Liberation Crusade was at an end, the world had been saved but at great cost to all imperial forces involved. However, ...