Monday 20 July 2020

The story so far: Exorcists

The Krillion Liberation Crusade was at an end, the world had been saved but at great cost to all imperial forces involved. However, in the 41st Millennium there is not much time for celebration of such victories. Like the steady advance of time ever forwards, Alexandros mustered his fleet and set off into the void.  

A dark shadow had hung over Alexandros in the last few days of the campaign, a feeling of being a pawn in a much larger game or a fly caught in a web but unable to see the spider whose web it is. His course was set however, he’d lost much time in pursuing his true quarry on Krillion and he was certain that the awaking of the star god was nothing more than an event set in motion to cover his quarry’s escape from the planet and system. 

Alexandros sat in mediation, his breathing steady and his mind focused. He could hear the faint hum of the gellar fields powering up as the Reclamation prepared to enter the warp. He allowed his mind to skim along the surface of the warp testing for any thread or trap that lay just below the surface.

“Hello old friend” came a voice from within the warp causing its surface to ripple but remain unbroken. “Even after all this time you still follow me?” the voice chuckled almost too itself.

“Would you expect any less?” was Alexandros’s only reply

“I guess not but your confidence has always been your undoing, my friend.” came the voice again, this time the ripples where stronger and small cracks started to appear on the surface of the warp.
“You lost the right to call me friend the day you gave over your soul to chaos.” Alexandros’s response was clam but edged with anger.

“How is that any different from you?” a question that Alexandros often asked himself.  “The only difference is that I no longer cling to the lies of a corpse god. We have both been tainted by chaos, I have accepted my fate, you have not.” the voice sounded almost pained at this sentence but steadied its self. “You would fight and die for a being that sees you has nothing but a tool.”

Alexandros took a breath; he could feel his mind being probed for weakness while the voice tried to distract him. “You are a fool if you think yourself more than a tool to the gods of chaos, you run like a dog to its master's side to escape the punishment that will come but their power is finite and cannot protect you forever.”

The cracks continued to spread along the surface of the warp allowing an array of colour and noise to spill out. “You think your corpse god so powerful and yet you cannot see what lays right in front of you.” at this the warp shattered into fragments but rather than an assault of colour and noise, it became silent and the voice whispered again “Open your eye’s Alexandros.” but this time the voice came not from within his own mind but in the very room in which he sat. 

++ Log M42 ++
++ Strike Cruiser Reclamation ++
++ Last recorded sighting in the Krillion crusade ++
++ Mission: *REDACTED* ++
++ Current location: unknown
++ All hands presumed lost ++

++ Chief Librarian Alexandros presumed deceased ++

Sunday 19 July 2020

The Story so far: Sautekh Dynasty

Post Cicatrix Maledictum

The Sautekh Dynasty march forth to conquer the galaxy
The Rise of Osiris

The Cryptek Khonsu, the harbinger of darkness was the first to awaken from his slumber. A catastrophic meltdown of a Tesseract Vault had occurred and it's most dangerous prisoner had escaped, Khonsu had learnt.

Only after figuring out what events had transpired, did Khonsu revive its master. Osiris the Everdark.
Upon being briefed of what had occured to the Tombworld, Osiris awakened the Necrons of Krillion.

Krillion had been handed over to the Adeptus Mechanicus of Stygies VII, who immediately ensure the departure of all authorities that did not belong to it own. The Magos of Stygies VII thus began a complete worldwide excavation of the planet, to delve deeper into its ancient past and potential hidden powers.
Believing the threats to Krillion to be over, the Adeptus Mechanicus did not expect to discover an entire active Necron Tombworld, and so in their hubris and ignorance, they perished and endangered the galaxy.

Osiris wasted no time in reclaiming Krillion, and once the Overlord had, it turned it's gaze to the worlds beyond.

Osiris battles the Adeptus Mechanicus

Lex Talionis

Enraged by lesser creatures defiling it's domain, Osiris reenacted the long dormant Dolmen Gate, that would allow the Necrons to transverse the stars swiftly and bring ruin to any and all who stood in their way.

Planets fell at an alarming rate, as darkness consumed system after system, there would be no end to Osiris' wrath. Even Imotekh, the Phareon of Sautekh heard of Osiris' warpath and very soon after, the Everdark and the Stormlord waged a harvest unlike any the galaxy had seen from the Necrons for 60 million years.
Sautekh goes to war

Osiris' latest victim is the world of Kancagard. Here, the Necrons currently face off against the adhumans known as the 'Fleshtearers', a force of human-female zealots, daemonics of a war-deity, as well as the Aeldari of Uthwé.

Osiris the Everdark leads his legions upon Kancagard, each hour that passes more Necrons amass to the world in order to overthrow it and bring it to it's knees.
Futhermore Overlord Anubis and Illuminator Szeras have joined arms with the warlords of Sautekh and march upon it's Captial. Should the Captial fall, so too will any hope of reinforcements arriving to save the planet.

Anubis storming the Captial

The story so far: The Ardent Halo Shield Host

Post Cicatrix Maledictum

Emissaries Imperatus of the Ardent Halo Shield Host

The Adeptus Custodes of the Ardent Halo Shield Host are drawn from the Emissaries Imperatus, Shadowkeepers and Dread Host shield companies. Since the Cicatrix Maledictum tore through the galaxy and Guilliman returned and took up the mantle of Commander of the Imperium, the Ardent Halo have been active in the Imperium Nihilus. They do not always attend the same battlefield, but they work together across systems to further the Emperor's Will. Woe to any foe who faces the combined strength of the Shield Host.

The Emissaires' defend the Cathedral of Light, Krillion

The Krillion Invasion

The Ardent Halo were first on the scene when a distress signal was transmitted from the world, Krillion. The Custodes discovered a planet deeply infested with the Greenskins.

Their first action was to watch, to watch how events unfolded and who was drawn to the anguish of it's people. To many this would seem as inaction or worse, however to the Shield Captains Melchizedek and Tyrael, there was much to studied and assess. To ensure the perfect strike at the perfect time, the Custodes had to wait to reveal themselves, where their presence would tip the balance.

For it was not the Orks that had drawn the Custodes, but visions of a great calamity, a ruin that would sweep across the systems. A plan was formulated that would see the Shadowkeepers reinforce the Space Marines of The Exorcists as they fought in the Southern hemisphere, where the Emissiares' would reinforce the Crimson Fist fighting in the Northern Hemisphere of Krillion. It was concluded this would be the best result to flush out the hidden darkness that Krillion had buried.

Melchizedek arriving to meet Captain Salbatore of the Crimson Fists
Watchers No More

Arriving in Demesne, the Northern region of Krillion, Melchizedek and his Vertus Praetors (the Sun Riders) joined the Primaris 7th Company Crimson Fists at the Catherdal of Light, a sacred location. It would shortly be assaulted by a vast daemon horde, and the Emissaires knew this defence had to hold, for if it did, the Emperor had spoken - It would be Captain Salbatore who would find a path into The Wilds, a desolate continent of Krillion. This would be the location of uncovering the source of the Great Calamity.

As the Emperor had spoken, so it was. The Cathedral had held, and soon the Crimson Fist had discovered that Orks were bleeding from across the seas, a place in The Wilds the Krillionites called 'Doom's Maul', and they found a way in.

The Sunriders charging into battle alongside the Knights of House Aldervald


It was Melchizedek himself that discovered the dark secret of Krillion, in the Abyss of Doom's Maul. A submerged Necron Complex that weeped with electro-static. As the Custodes descended the intensity of power churned and surged, suddenly before their eyes a vast entity threaded itself into being. The one that would become known as Dhuum, the Ruinmaker. Here was the Great Calamity.

After a brief close quarter engagement and Mathiel being mortally wounded, Dhuum fled the Necron Complex, to draw upon more energies and increase its power. The Necron C'tan materialised a storm and took flight towards the Mechanicus facilities in the South. Melchizedek wasted no time in pursuing.

The Shadowkeepers were in position as the Adeptus Custodes long drawn out plan came to fruition.
Dhuum had landed at Krono's End, a facility that was ensnared in a time stasis, to prevent an atomic explosion frozen within from spilling out and destroying many of the settled regions.
Dhuum began to feed off the Stasis as well as the atomic energy, and in doing so it's power increased. The Eldritch Storm now blotted out much of the atmosphere and Krillion transformed into darkness, but the Shadowkeepers were forge to fight in darkness and against it.

They engaged the C'tan and fought by themselves until Melchizedek arrived with the Krillion Liberation Crusade, a collective of imperial force arising from Space Marine chapters to Imperial Guard regiments and even an Imperial Knight House.

The fight for the soul of Krillion and indeed the life of neighbouring system was at hand.
But with the unity of the Imperial forces, Dhuum was cast down and defeated.

Melchizedek stemming the Bloodtide

The Song of Rosnir

Upon the success of slaying the Necron god, Dhuum. The Custodes immediately withdrew from Krillion. The Ardent Halo Shield Host was on route to the Duelos System, riding ahead of them as always was Shield Captain Melchizedek and his Sunriders.

Arriving at a frozen world of Rosnir, a curious and alluring song sang amongst the winds. It was both enthralling and despairing at the same time. Racing across the snowy tundra the Custodes soon discovered it's source. A Songtress of Slaanesh was enacting a deadly melody to it's master, a ritual that would no doubly flood Rosnir entirely and turn it in a keystone for the warp powers beyond the veil.

Melchizedek engaged, and despite the numbers the Emissaries slew they would have found themselves too late to stop the Ruinous Powers had it not been for an unexpected ally.

A Culexus Assassin has been assigned to hunt on Rosnir unbeknown to the Custodes, and his timely arrival ensured the assassin was of the Emperor's Will and that the Emissaries were exactly where they needed to be. The ritual was purged and all presence of the Slaanesh daemonkin perished back to the immaterial.

Since Rosnir, the Culexus has travelled with Melchizedek

Emerys the Culexus Assasin

The Pariah Nexus

The Ardent Halo now reunited with their Moiraides ship of the Dread Host, now navigate towards the Pariah Nexus ever following the path the Emperor leads them on.


Saturday 18 July 2020

The story so far: Crimson Fists.

Post Cicatrix Maledictum

Crimson Fists 7th Primaris Company

The Crimson Fists of the 7th Primaris Company were  dispatched to the world of Steinberg to purge an Ork raiding party. It was during this time a strange transmission was received from a neighbouring system. Captain Stefano Salbatore took charge of a Liberator Strike Force, along with Heracio Santos (aka The Timeflayer) his most trusted advisor, and embarked towards a world known as Krillion.

The purging of Steinberg
The Krillion Invasion

A humongous Ork Waaagh! had invaded the world of Krillion. The inhabitants had no time to defend themselves. The Horde had seemingly come out of no where. Swarming, pillaging and killing across every continent. Into this flood of Greenskins, Salbatore and his strike force descended. Ripping out the Captial City from the clutches of the Orks and creating a stronghold and bulwark from which to repel the Xenos. The City's rescue however did not go without incident. As there was much confusion and chaos upon first landing. Reports crashed in of others who had been drawn to the planet, the signals origin. Imperial forces came to answer the call and protect the planet, further Xenos arrived to take advantage of the world's distress, and the most vile and traitorous Chaos forces spewed forth to relish in Krillion's troubles. The Stravoss 85th airborne, had swooped in and landed in the Captial, fighting off the Orks. As communications were disrupted by the Greenskins psychic interference. A blue on blue incident occured between the Stravoss 86th and the Crimson Fists. It is testament to both the Stravoss General and the Space Marine Captain, that In the aftermath of the tragedy, rather than focusing on the loss, they built a bridge of respect and honour, which saw the 2 sides unite and reclaim now just the city but the entire surrounding regions.
Later their battlefield bond would be the foundation of something greater
Defending Exilium City
The Krillion Liberation Crusade

As dark forces schemed to take advantage of the ravaged world. Imperial forces fought their corners and slowly began to link up. The Crimson Fists discovered the Space Wolves fighting in the frozen norths, The Exorcists and Iron hands fighting in the sands of the south.
To help coordinate the defence of the planet, the Imperial forces rallied together, each esteem leader forming a Command hub together and the Krillion Liberation Crusade was born. The space marine chapters joined with the stravoss 86th, and later, the knights of House of Aldervald and the Ardent Halo Shield Host (of the Custodes) and began to bring order and stability to Krillion.

The icon of the Krillion Liberation Crusade


In the closing days of the 'Krillion Invasion' a terrible and ancient truth had been discovered. Krillion had hiding a Necron complex deep beneath its earth, and the Orks as well as other strange creatures (thought extinct) had leaked from a damaged Necron Stasis Vault contained within.

There was one powerful being ensnared in the vault that had managed to escape in constrains, a terrible god of the Necrons, a greater shard of a C'tan known as Dhuum the Ruinmaker. Whilst the Crimson Fists fought off Chaos elements. The powerful C'tan rose from its tomb and prison, and unleashed it's wrath upon the planet.
It took the entire Krillion Liberation Crusade, united, to defeat Dhuum. It was a battle that saw many sacrifices and cost each of the forces dearly in order to secure victory.
In the aftermath of Dhuum's destruction, the Adeptus Mechanicus of Stygies VII flocked to the work and took jurisdiction, as well as claim to the wartorn world. The Krillion Liberation Crusade disbanded, each member going their separate ways.

The Crimson Fists returned to Rynn's World, Where the Chapter Master himself, Pedro Kantor honoured Salbatore for his bravery and leadership of the Krillion crisis. Soon new orders came, and the Primaris 7th Company set off to a new world, to another new Ork infestation... or so they thought.

Salbatore in Gravis armour, with Lieutenants Marcus & Jairo

Monday 22 June 2020

We are the Warlords

The Warlords of Wartorn are a local hobby gaming group that get together, talk, paint and play Warhammer 40,000. We are all friends that have united around the hobby.

As we all really enjoy sharing a good 40K war-story, we thought in the light of 9th Edition, we would set up a stage (this blog) to help tell our armies' narratives.

Introducing our Warlords and Characters that battle across the wartorn landscapes of the now, 42nd Millennium. Reminisce of backstories that have led our heroes or villains to their current path, as well as tell the battle-stories of conflicts raging in the wake of the Noctis Aeterna. 

Dave's Warlords

We write these blogs as an account to our armies. Watching as their stories unfold, where one day we can look back and see the course and the path they travelled. Will the heroic remain stoic in their calling? Will the tyrants develop a conscious? Whom will dominate and whom will fall?

One truth we know for certain... There is only War.

Let us begin.
The Warlords of Wartorn.

The story so far: Exorcists

The Krillion Liberation Crusade was at an end, the world had been saved but at great cost to all imperial forces involved. However, ...